Saturday, December 29, 2007


So what is family anyway? who do i consider my family? or where is home for me?

Maybe home is where i feel comfortable the most. I once heard from a movie, that home is where the heart is. so the real question is... Where's your heart?!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas at home!

After a really long flight all the way from Salt lake City to Dallas, and lets not mention the one that followed to Puerto Rico; and finally arriving to Santo Domingo, the least you can do is to go and kick at "Casa de Campo". The place is Paradise (but we know the whole island is). Theres a lot of things i could say to catch your attention... but maybe a visual aid will probably be better.

And Dont forget the beach boyzzz!!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Me.... nice?!?

so my question is as simple as it goes... has anyone ever told you how nice you were before? I honestly believe that those words are true only if they come from your mother, or indeed of an elderly woman.
You don't even realized how many times I've got that before... and we all know what comes next... the "but"... and people say that I'm nice, right! like if i could get something at the store for free because of that!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Duras Penas

No recuerdo tan bien el momento, pero se que hace anos atras mi padre me dijo que no se puede decir todo lo que se piensa. Bueno, hoy voy a romper esa regla.
Quiza ya podran saber en que pensaba cuando tenia los ojos distraidos y mirada distante. No es una pelicula, es mi vida la que contare.
22 anos he estado buscando algo que la verdad todavia no tengo. Y aunque suene tragico, o triste, es un hecho; lo se, porque recuerdo sentirme asi desde que tengo uso de razon... y puedo recalcar con claridad esos momentos de soledad. No estoy hablando de ser romantico, ni estoy tratando en ninguna manera de seducir a alguien... solo quisiera saber que almenos hay otra persona mas en este mundo la cual tambien ya haya tirado la toalla como yo.
Es deprimente, haha, es como si ya no quisiera intentarlo mas. Es una soledad que esta ahi, no es sustuible con nada... simplemente ahi esta. Una cosa es segura... todo eso es basura!
He llegado a la conclusion de que soy y por lo visto sere un "lonely wolf"... so screw it!

Navidad '07 is coming up soon!

so christmas this year will be at home! finally, after 3 years of spending christmas at old boring utah. Now dont get me wrong I love utah, but remember, no familia here!

As far as i know we (my brother and wife, plus myself) will be going to a resort over there with my parents who I miss very mucho!
Staying away from the family is not an easy thing; it may be for some of us, more than others, but the truth is family is family, and like my dad says "nobody can change that"